Workplace Team Coaching

Cultural Transformation and Pop-Up Coaching

True leadership is about leading yourself first, knowing your impact and taking responsibility.

Cultural Transformation Through the NOVA Profile Assessment

In high-pressure environments, or while managing a crisis, it’s helpful to have a deeper understanding of self, one’s strengths and limitations, and an appreciation for how others might respond during times of stress.

The NOVA Profile is a comprehensive psychometric self-awareness tool that provides information about behaviors, skills, different psychological characteristics, and personal motivations. This tool awakens individuals to their unconscious and innate ‘natural style’ of leadership (they're preferred) and also to their ‘adapted style’ (as they react to their environment). A person is able to ‘see themselves’ clearly as they understand these two different styles. Through the NOVA Profile, you can become more aware of and appreciate your individual and team strengths, limitations, and motivations in a way that is optimized, supportive, and honoring of everyone involved.

The Process

Participants take a short survey, and responses are tabulated. I’ll then review the assessment and share the profile in a 90-minute debriefing session. The session leads to a deeper understanding of self.

When combined with Personal leadership coaching and/or Team professional coaching sessions, this tool enhances communications and increases support and appreciation for each other’s unique roles within the organization. The tool helps decrease stress and conflict by providing objective ways that widen your view of the world.

How can the NOVA Profile assessments be used?

  • Some applications of the tool include:

  • Individual personal growth and development projects

  • System-wide cultural transformation initiatives

  • By teams looking to increase collaboration, communication and appreciation for diversity or perspective

  • By hiring committees when comparing possible candidates

Pop-Up Coaching

Pop-Up Coaching is an innovative and effective coaching concept that is available on-site or remotely. Your team will find joy through meaningful growth and clarity by participating in our highly confidential Pop-Up Coaching sessions that may be scheduled as recurring or one-time. Your organization will benefit from deeper engagement and connection, as each employee's potential will be nurtured and encouraged. All levels are welcome and will have the opportunity to sign up in advance for a 30-minute time slot on a topic of their choice.

This option is great for organizations who have an interest in coaching, but may not yet be ready to invest in a full-time commitment. Pop-Up Coaching is a simple way to offer coaching services within your company without any strings attached. It creates the foundation and provides tools for your organization and its employees to truly thrive.